Learn about FMD and Connect with other fibromuscular dysplasia patients.
On Facebook
FMD Chat can be found at facebook.com/fmdchat, which is a public page recommended for those affected by fibromuscular dysplasia including patients, family members, caregivers, and healthcare providers. Per Facebook's terms, anyone can see that the public page exists and actions taken on it. Look here for health links, events, and connections to other rare disease and general health organizations.
On RareConnect
RareConnect was created by EURORDIS (European Rare Disease Organisation) and NORD(National Organization for Rare Disorders) to provide a safe space where individuals and families affected by rare diseases can connect with each other, share vital experiences, and find helpful information and resources. The community affords users the opportunity to engage in the worldwide exchange of information about FMD. RareConnect supports German, English, Spanish, French, and Italian. To join the new FMD Chat community, register with RareConnect, set up a profile, and then chose "fibromuscular dysplasia" from the community menu.
On YouTube
Learn more about your body through carefully selected health videos from leading experts around the world. Topics include vascular and renal health, strokes, aneurysms, and caregiving.